Take a Look at These Options When Choosing Auto Insurance! How Can You Have Maximum Protection For Yourself and Your Car?

“Why should I have auto insurance when I already have the Compulsory Traffic Insurance?” Now that we have answered this question, we will now answer: "How can I choose the most suitable auto insurance?"

Take a Look at These Options When Choosing Auto Insurance! How Can You Have Maximum Protection For Yourself and Your Car?

Choosing the right auto insurance package and company is very important for the protection of your car. The coverage, limits, services and advantages offered will determine how suitable your auto insurance can be for you. Choose the covers that are essential to protect your car to the maximum.

Take a Look at the Basic Covers:

The basic cover that the auto insurance offers can find solutions to the common problems that you might experience, without an extra cost. These covers may be similar in many auto insurance types, but sometimes they may also not be included, which can go unnoticed if you are not careful. Basic coverages can include the protection of both yourself and third parties in the event of a crash-collision, and coverage of your vehicle or belongings in the event of fire damage, theft, etc. On top of this, towing services, legal protection, and personal accident guarantees are also among the must haves.

Are the Additional Covers Enough for You?

As the name implies, the additional covers are the services added to a policy for an extra fee. You should always check if the additional covers meet your needs, as they may be important. For example, the additional covers should include:
Natural disasters and terrorism
Car theft with the key
Theft/damage of personal belongings
Damages to the additional accessories
Changing the locks due to key loss and key removal.

What About Other Services?

Apart from the basic and additional covers, there are also other services available to protect your vehicle and allow you to enjoy a safe journey:

24/7 Roadside Assistance

You will have roadside assistance available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when needed. In Aksigorta auto insurance packages, you can benefit from this service by calling the Aksigorta Service Centre number, 444 27 27.

Mini Repairs & No Claims Discount

The benefit of a no claims discount is that it ensures that the premium will be lower when your insurance is next renewed. In Akkasko, this can be up to a 65% discount. After reviewing the conditions and rates of the no claims discount, we advise you to check if your insurance offers a mini repair service. If the mini repair services don't invalidate the no claims discount offer, then you will have a beneficial auto insurance policy.

Services That Don’t Leave You Stuck On the Road

These services will protect you in unexpected situations, and should also be included in your insurance. A courtesy car that you can drive during the repair period, if your car is unusable after an accident. Services that cover the mechanical expenses caused by misfuelling. New car protection to cover the cost of a new car if it is completely damaged.

© Aksigorta, 2018