By Your Side for Damage Caused by an Earthquake
Take measures for earthquakes, or the fires, explosions, tsunamis and landslides caused by an earthquake.
You can access TCIP - Compulsory Earthquake Insurance with the security of Aksigorta.
Mandatory in Turkey, and covering damage incurred by an earthquake, TCIP-Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is available with the security of Aksigorta.
Take measures for earthquakes, or the fires, explosions, tsunamis and landslides caused by an earthquake.
Renew your one-year valid Compulsory Earthquake Insurance and benefit from a 20% discount on policy renewal.
TCIP-Compulsory Earthquake Insurance provides security with coverage for earthquakes and damages caused by earthquakes.
You can access TCIP - Compulsory Earthquake Insurance with the security of Aksigorta.