Kurumsal Profil

Aksigorta A.Ş. 2023 Ordinary General Assembly Agenda

  • Opening, and appointment of the Chairmanship Committee of the Meeting,
  • Reading and discussion of the Board of Directors’ Activity Report for 2023,
  • Reading of the Auditor Reports’ summary for 2023,
  • Reading, discussion, and approval of the financial statements issued for 2023,
  • Release of the Board of Directors from its responsibilities arising out of business activities of 2023,
  • Determination of method of distribution and use of the profit of 2023 and the rates of dividends and profit shares to be distributed,
  • Election of the Board of Directors members and determination of their terms of office,
  • Determination of fees and such other rights as remuneration, bonus and premium of the Directors,
  • Election of auditor,
  • Discussion and approval of the proposed amendment to Article 84 of the Company’s Articles of Association,
  • Discussion and approval of the proposed amendment to the Company’s Profit Distribution Policy,
  • Discussion and approval of authorizing the Board of Directors to distribute interim dividends for the fiscal year 2024,
  • Presentation of information to General Assembly on donations and grants made during 2023,
  • Determination of limits of donations to be made by the Company within 2024,
  • Authorization granted to Chairman and other members of the board for transactions stipulated in Article 395 and 396 of Turkish Commercial Code,
  • Wishes and requests.

Aksigorta in Figures

Aksigorta had TL 21.1 billion total assets as of end-2023.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


TL Billion
Total Assets

Aksigorta, which focuses on innovation with customer- oriented approaches, had TL 21.1 billion total assets as of end-2023.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


TL Billion
Shareholders’ Equity

As of the end of 2023, Aksigorta’s shareholders’ equity has reached TL 3.3 billion.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


TL Billion
Paid-in Capital

As of the end of 2023, Aksigorta has TL 1,612 million paid-in capital.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


TL Billion
Premium Production

Aksigorta’s premium production increased by 101% compared to the previous year and amounted to TL 27,299 million.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


TL Billion
Net Profit

Aksigorta reached a net profit of TL 1,185 million by the end of 2023

Sayılarla Aksigorta


Market Share

Aksigorta recorded market share of 6.7% at end-2023.

About Aksigorta

Aksigorta aims to offer a unique insurance experience to its customers as a lifetime risk companion.

Aksigorta has acted with a customer- oriented and innovative vision and continues its journey with powerful steps forward thanks to its experience and knowledge since the day it was founded. Offering an extensive service network to individual and corporate customers, Aksigorta cooperates with 10 regional offices, 743 employees, over 3,600 independent agencies, 704 Akbank branches, 134 brokers, and nearly 6 thousand contracted institutions, prioritizing customer satisfaction.

In line with its vision, mission and corporate values, Aksigorta continues its operations in compliance with national and international legal regulations.

Aksigorta Hakkında


Aksigorta Hakkında


Aksigorta Hakkında


Regional Offices

Following the partnership between Sabancı Holding and Belgian Ageas, the Company has increased its brand awareness and focused its efforts on simple, understandable, and accessible products and services with the “Next- Generation Insurance” approach.

Aksigorta aims to offer a unique insurance experience to its customers, not only at the time of damage, but also as a lifetime risk companion. The Company continues to be a pioneer in the insurance industry by bringing a new perspective to insurance with its customer orientation and innovation approach.

The major shareholders of Aksigorta, whose shares are publicly traded on the BIST National Market under the AKGRT ticker, are H.Ö. Sabancı Holding (36% stake) and Ageas Insurance International N.V. (36% stake). Maintaining to achieve strong financial results in 2023, Aksigorta’s total assets reached TL 21,132 million as of year-end and shareholders’ equity has reached TL 3,276 million. Aksigorta recorded a total premium production of TL 27,299 million, 101% more compared to the same period last year. Aksigorta recorded market share of 6.7% at end-2023.

Aksigorta Hakkında

Aksigorta Partnership Structure

Aksigorta continues its activities with a 36%-36% partnership between Sabancı Holding and Ageas Insurance International NV.

Registered Capital

Aksigorta A.Ş. changed to the registered (authorized) capital system pursuant to the provisions of Türkiye’s Capital Market Law (Statute 2499) as of 9 March 1995 and holds license number 301 from the Capital Markets Board. The Company’s authorized capital ceiling is TL 3,000 million, and its paid-in capital is TL 1,612 million as stated in the permit letter of The Ministry of Commerce General Directorate of Domestic Trade dated 29 July 2023 and numbered E-50035491-431.02-00076805481 and as stated in the permit letter of Capital Markets Board dated 1 July 2023 and numbered E-29833736- 110.03-03-23502.

Capital Structure

No material changes have taken place in the capital structure of Aksigorta A.Ş., as shown in the table below. Both of the Company’s major shareholders purchased the same volume of Aksigorta shares traded on the Borsa Istanbul; as a result, their stake in the Company increased from 33.11% to 36% in 2012 None of the real partners have qualified share in the partnership structure.

Management Methodology

Aksigorta continues its activities as a joint venture company with a 36%-36% partnership between Sabancı Holding and Ageas Insurance International NV.

Aksigorta continues its activities as a joint venture company with a 36%-36% partnership between Sabancı Holding and Ageas Insurance International NV.

The names and shareholding interests of shareholders who hold more than a 10% stake in the Company’s issued capital are shown in the chart:

December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
Shareholders Share (%) Amount (TL) Share (%) Amount (TL)
Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding A.Ş. %36 580,320,000 %36 580,320,000
Ageas Insurance International N.V %36 580,320,000 %36 580,320,000
Free Float %28 451,360,000 %28 451,360,000
Total %100 1,612,000,000 %100 1,612,000,000

Our Purpose

For a sustainable life, we protect what is valuable together with next-generation solutions.

Our Strategic Choices

Growth in core insurance
Investing in new growth areas
Creating customer and stakeholder experience
Achieving excellence through technology
Complying with the future of the people and the business
Contributing to sustainability

Our Values

Result Orientation

With good planning, we find solutions without giving up, even under difficult conditions, and reach our goals. We push the limits of what we can do and do not hesitate to go beyond our area of responsibility. We inspire each other and the sector with our achievements.


We work as a team for a common purpose. We believe in the power of working together to shorten distances. We establish good relations for a perfect cooperation environment, ask questions to understand each other, and listen with open ears.

Continuous Development

We are curious to find better, and we develop ourselves to achieve better. We have the courage to change completely when necessary. We demand feedback and believe in lifelong learning by actively using all development channels.

Management’s Assessment

Part of the proceeds from each home insurance policy are transferred to the fund we created for 11 cities affected by the February 6 earthquake, with the support of the Needs Map NGO.

Başkan Mesajı

Esteemed Shareholders,

Although risk, danger and worst-case scenarios are at the heart of the insurance profession – and even though the majority of insurers spend most of their day dealing with these elements –nothing can actually prepare us for dealing with a disaster in emotional terms.

On February 6, 2023, we experienced a devastating earthquake, one of the worst disasters in the history of our Republic, affecting 11 provinces. We experienced the indescribable pain of losing thousands of our citizens and having tens of thousands injured and left homeless. We once again wish mercy to those who lost their lives and extend our condolences to their families and loved ones.

As a country, from those first hours, we dedicated ourselves to healing the wounds of the region. Immediately following the disaster, all Sabancı Group companies actively participated in search and rescue efforts. We also provided all types of support to other rescue teams in their respective areas of operation.

From day one, Sabancı Volunteers assumed duties and responsibilities in the supply and distribution of food, as well as damage assessments. Our teams are still conducting various support and donation activities, considering the needs of our citizens and administrations in the region. Within the scope of the “Sabancı Republic Mobilization,” we carried out psychosocial support activities in the region for children and young people affected by the earthquake as part of the “To the Future with Hope (Geleceğe Umutla)” project, which we jointly conducted as Aksigorta and Agesa. Our support to the region will continue in the next and following years.

It is frequently said that the insurance industry is a foul-weather friend, existing for rainy days. The Turkish insurance industry once again demonstrated the truth of this adage in the aftermath of the earthquake. According to sector research, the total number of policies for motor insurance, fire, the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP), and life-personal accident insurance in the 11 provinces affected by the earthquake was just 5.8 million.

From day one, Sabancı Volunteers assumed duties and responsibilities in the supply and distribution of food, as well as damage assessments. Our teams are still conducting various support and donation activities, considering the needs of our citizens and administrations in the region. Within the scope of the “Sabancı Republic Mobilization,” we carried out psychosocial support activities in the region for children and young people affected by the earthquake as part of the “To the Future with Hope (Geleceğe Umutla)” project, which we jointly conducted as Aksigorta and Agesa. Our support to the region will continue in the next and following years.

It is frequently said that the insurance industry is a foul-weather friend, existing for rainy days. The Turkish insurance industry once again demonstrated the truth of this adage in the aftermath of the earthquake. According to sector research, the total number of policies for motor insurance, fire, the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP), and life-personal accident insurance in the 11 provinces affected by the earthquake was just 5.8 million.

Although the economic value of the total loss was calculated as TL 2 trillion, the portion that our citizens received back from insurance was only TL 97.3 billion. Our industry possessed the strength and guarantee structure to cover both this earthquake and future disasters. If insurance and risk awareness were more widespread throughout our society, all of this could have been covered by insurance.

As citizens of a country located on active fault lines, we believe that we must remember that earthquakes are a reality and that we cannot avoid taking precautions. Accordingly, we launched a social responsibility project focused on earthquake risk transfer. Through “Hayata Devam Türkiye (Keep Living Türkiye),” we carried out social activities to raise awareness regarding earthquake risks; in addition, part of the proceeds from each home insurance policy purchased from Aksigorta are transferred to the fund we created for 11 cities affected by the February 6 earthquake, with the support of the Needs Map NGO.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


Increase in Premium Production

Our Total Premium Production reached TL 27,299 million by the end of 2023.

As expected, 2023 was a difficult year worldwide, from both an economic and a humanitarian perspective. Price increases across every sector, due to the inflationary pressure felt in the economies of almost every country, brought economic difficulties to daily life. Our nation surely felt these hardships more intensely, due to the impending election, the devastating earthquake and fluctuating exchange rates.

However, despite these negativities, the Turkish economy entered a recovery phase, especially in the second half of the year, following the elimination of the uncertainties brought by the election and the correct decisions taken by the new economic administration. With the decisive fight against inflation and the Central Bank’s prudent interest rate decisions, the economy’s recovery gained momentum. The OECD set growth expectations for 2023 at 4.3%, while the IMF revised its 2023 forecast for Türkiye’s economy upwards, from the 19th to the 17th largest economy.

This economic recovery also had a positive impact on our industry. As of end-2023, the total premium production of insurance companies that are members of the Insurance Association of Türkiye (TSB) had a 110.6% year-on-year increase.

At Aksigorta, 2023 was a year in which we achieved our targets through numerous new products, innovation and, our greatest strength, the value and talent of our employees. While our market share was 6.7%, our premium production increased by 101% compared to the previous year, reaching TL 27.3 billion.

We developed e-kasko, Türkiye’s first and most comprehensive electric vehicle insurance package.

As we know, in order to achieve goals, an individual or an organization requires the ability to “adapt,” which is the basis of life, in addition to possessing talents and strengths in the said field. The most important way to adapt – especially considering the uncertainties and rapid transformations of the present juncture – is to “read” and make effective sense of your environment. As the Aksigorta Family, with this capacity and foresight, we developed e-kasko, Türkiye’s first and most comprehensive electric vehicle insurance package. This product, which we believe will support the transformation of electric mobility in our country by encouraging the use of electric vehicles, not only embraces changing customer trends and future technologies but also aligns with our sustainability vision.

In 2023, we continued to digitalize our processes in line with our approach of providing easy, simple and accessible insurance services to our customers. While incorporating artificial intelligence applications into business processes, we accelerated training projects to increase our personal and professional digital skills.

Artificial intelligence will undoubtedly change insurance, as it will every other industry. Ignoring or resisting this transformation indicates a failure to read the present and the future. As Aksigorta, however, we believe in the potential of the augmented intelligence that emerges from the interaction of human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Within this scope, we attach as much importance to personal talent development as we do to digitalization. In 2023, we aimed to provide added value to the development of the industry with the Beyond Insurance Academy, which we organized for its third term in cooperation with Bilgi University.

At Aksigorta, 2023 was a year in which we achieved our targets through numerous new products, innovation and, our greatest strength, the value and talent of our employees.

Sayılarla Aksigorta


Market Share

We continue to carry out pioneering work in our industry with 6.7% market share.

Dear Friends,

We are facing challenges around the world. Economic difficulties are increasing, as is political and geopolitical uncertainty. Even as innovative digital and technological changes across almost every area, especially in artificial intelligence, create excitement about the future, this rapid advancement also makes it difficult to put forth accurate predictions. As we noted earlier, in these times of historic change, organizations that have the capacity to adapt can survive.

At Aksigorta, we consistently demonstrate this capacity, and we believe and trust in our capabilities. As always, we have received the greatest support from our valued stakeholders. We extend our sincerest thanks to all our shareholders, especially Sabancı Holding and Ageas, our main shareholders.

Respectfully yours,


Chairman of the Board of Directors


Board Member and General Manager

Financial Highlights

As of the end of 2023, Aksigorta has reached TL 3.3 billion shareholders’ equity.

Financial Indicators (TL Million) 2022 2023
Premium Production 13,563 27,299
Incurred Claims 5,261 6,622
Technical Profit (Technical Part Balance) -72 1,691
Profit Before Tax -121 1,333
Net Profit -121 1,185
Capital 1,612 1,612
Shareholders’ Equity 1,949 3,276
Total Assets 12,831 21,132
Capital Solvency Ratios 2022 2023
Written Premiums/Shareholders’ Equity 696% 833%
Shareholders’ Equity/Total Assets 15% 16%
Operational Ratios (Non-Life) 2022 2023
Retention Ratio 51% 36%
Loss Ratio (Net) 107% 86%
Combined Ratio (Net) 133% 116%
Profitability Ratios 2022 2023
Technical Profit (Technical Part Balance)/Written Premiums -1% 6%
Profit Before Tax/Written Premiums -1% 5%
Net Profit/Written Premiums -1% 4%
Number of Employees 680 743
LOSS RATIO (%) 86%

Our Customer-Oriented Vision

Principles of Experience

Aksigorta has an approach that aims to provide customers with a reliable and easy experience whenever they contact the Company. To this end, it has adopted three basic principles of experience: Trust, Simplicity, Companionship.

Aksigorta strives to accompany all its customers on their journey with the Company, to simplify their lives, and also aims to instill a sense of trust in them by being transparent in all business processes. It designs all of its processes, channels of customer contact, and customer journeys in accordance with principles of experience.

Customer First Team

The Customer First Team is a unit operating in line with Aksigorta’s goal of providing customers with a reliable and easy complaint resolution experience. Acting in line with the principles of experience, the team guides customers through all insurance processes, building trust and providing a seamless experience that simplifies their lives.

The team not only provides support to customers during the complaint and demand processes but also analyzes the processes in detail to identify insights and customer issues. By compiling and publishing customer stories, they use the learnings from these stories to engage with business units and third-party service providers and design new processes that align with customer expectations and experience principles. The team also analyzes customer NPS data and takes actions to increase satisfaction.

The Customer First Team plays an important role in adopting a customer-oriented perspective as a culture within the Company. The team acts as the advocate of a customer-oriented culture, creating a common language and being the biggest supporter of customers.

An Adventure that Dates Back to 1960

Aksigorta launched e-kasko, the first and most comprehensive MOD insurance policy designed exclusively for electric vehicles.

Having achieved many firsts since the day it was founded, Aksigorta is the first company to issue online policies in Türkiye.


First policy

The first policy was issued by Aksigorta in 1961

First insurance agency

Lami Teymen opened the first Aksigorta agency in Adana in 1960s.


Beginning of bancassurance

Aksigorta issued the first insurance policy through an online connection in 1983


Public offering of Aksigorta

Aksigorta shares were offered to the public in 1994, and the shareholder base of the Company was broadened.

Opening of the Fire and Earthquake Training Center

In 1996, Aksigorta opened the Fire and Earthquake Training Center, which was built entirely with technological infrastructure developed in Türkiye.

First website

In 1996, Aksigorta’s first website was launched.

First online policy

The first online policy in Türkiye was issued by Aksigorta and online connections were set up with approximately 150 agencies.

Aksigorta established the quality assurance system modeled on ISO 9001:1994 standards and was also awarded BS EN 9001:1994 Quality Standard Certification.

Aksigorta adopted the slogan “Beyond” to communicate its primary aim of closely supporting its customers and responding to their changing needs while expanding the boundaries of the insurance industry.


The certificate of authorization in the health branch

Aiming to increase diversity in its service portfolio, Aksigorta obtained a certificate of authorization for the health branch and began to issue health insurance policies in 2002, extending its line of business.

Opening of the Aksigorta Service Center

Aksigorta opened the Aksigorta Service Center providing services on a 24/7 basis in 2002.

Transition to regional management

Renewing itself constantly in line with market conditions and demand, Aksigorta shifted its management strategy from central management to regional management in 2006 through revising its business and decision-making processes.

Merger between Ak Emeklilik and Aviva Hayat ve Emeklilik

Ak Emeklilik A.Ş., a subsidiary of Aksigorta, merged with Aviva Hayat ve Emeklilik A.Ş. in 2007 The Company carried out its operations under the name AvivaSA Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. following the merger.

Harmonization with new legislation

Aksigorta became the leading company on KalDer’s (Turkish Quality Association) Turkish Customer Satisfaction List. During the same year, Tüketici Dergisi (Consumer Magazine) named Aksigorta the “Most Reliable Insurance Company for Quality” for the fourth consecutive year.

“Most Reliable Insurance Company”

Aksigorta was chosen by consumers as the “Most Reliable Insurance Company” in a research study conducted by AC Nielsen in 2009.

In a bid to achieve capital optimization and unlock the hidden value of its core insurance business, Aksigorta entered a spinoff process and transferred its participation portfolio to Sabancı Holding in 2010


Keep Living Türkiye

Hosted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Güler Sabancı, and managers at Sabancı Holding, Aksigorta celebrated its 50th anniversary with an event attended by members of leading circles in business and society. At this event, artists who contributed to Aksigorta’s “Risk and Trust”-themed art project were presented their awards and the “Keep Living, Türkiye” project, initiated in cooperation with AKUT to raise awareness about natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or fires across Türkiye among 5 million people in 5 years, was also introduced.

Joining forces with Ageas

Ageas, a Belgium based international insurance company, became a strategic shareholder of Aksigorta in July 2011 as Sabancı Holding, which held a 62% stake in Aksigorta at the time, sold 31% of the shares to Ageas for USD 220 million to forge a strategic alliance for Aksigorta.

Aksigorta’s new office

As of October 20, 2014, Aksigorta continues its operations at a new office, Buyaka Ofis Kuleleri, located in Ümraniye Tepeüstü.

Aksigorta signed the “United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles” convention as part of its ongoing efforts toward achieving gender equality.


New regional structure

Geographical coverage and the organizational structures of the new regions were determined based on criteria such as profitability, production, location, and potential. Accordingly, the Company closed 16 agencies and 3 regional bank offices and instead established 10 regional retail sales offices.


Ongoing investments in technology

In line with its digitalization strategy, Aksigorta launched ADA (Aksigorta Digital Assistant) – a first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence application in the sector.

Aksigorta “Goes Beyond”

Aksigorta shifted its focus from the product to the customer. Aksigorta adopted the slogan “Beyond” to communicate its primary aim of closely supporting its customers and responding to their changing needs while expanding the boundaries of the insurance industry.


WhatsApp Business

Aksigorta broke new ground in the sector with its WhatsApp Official Business Account in 2019


60th Founding Anniversary

Aksigorta celebrated its 60 anniversary in the digital environment due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Green Office Program

The Green Office Program, launched by Aksigorta to ensure a greener world, was completed during the year. Thanks to its exceptional results in reducing natural resource use by conservation and best practices, Aksigorta was granted Green Office certification by WWF Türkiye.

Aksigorta Digital Security Platform

Aksigorta established the Digital Security Platform to prepare the society against the risks of the digital world of the future. Free online digital security trainings, informative videos and news can be found in this platform with the collaboration of Boğaziçi University.

Aksigorta received the “Excellent Customer Satisfaction” award.


United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles

Aksigorta signed the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) convention as part of its ongoing efforts toward achieving gender equality.

Beyond Insurance Academy

Aksigorta, in cooperation with Bilgi University, conducted a 6-month intensive learning program on insurance related issues. The program covered a wide range of topics, including risk engineering, tax law, digital marketing, sales techniques in the new world, and customer relations for distance selling, in addition to various products, such as health, fire, transportation, receivables and cyber insurance. At the Academy, 20 different trainings were administered to nearly 9,000 participants during the year.

Support for biodiversity from Aksigorta

Aksigorta donated 1,500 saplings to TEMA due to forest fires in the summer of 2021 In order to regain the forest quality of our damaged forests and to protect our natural habitats, forests and biodiversity, which are a part of common life, Sabancı Group commits to;

  • Rehabilitation and reforestation of 500 hectares of land,
  • Bringing a total of 1 million saplings to our country over the next 5 years, together with the areas deemed appropriate and prepared by the Forestry Directorates,
  • Adding 3 water supply vehicles to the fleet so that it can be fought more easily when forest fires, which we wish not to repeat, are encountered.

Aksigorta will also contribute to these commitments for five years.


BIST Sustainability Index

Raising its sustainability score, Aksigorta was recently included in the BIST Sustainability Index, which evaluates companies according to international sustainability criteria on environmental, social, corporate governance, human and employee rights, and transparency.

Certificate of Equality for Women at Work

Aksigorta, of which 51% of its employees are women, was awarded the Equality for Women at Work Certificate following an independent audit conducted in cooperation with the Sustainability Academy and the British audit company Intertek.

Aksigorta shared its first Sustainability Report

Focusing on people and the future of the planet with its next-generation insurance approach, Aksigorta shared its efforts in this direction via the Company’s first Sustainability Report. The Report, prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards core option, covers the related activities between January 1- December 31, 2021 The Report includes the management approach and goals regarding the social, economic, and environmental impacts arising from the Company’s activities, as well as the performance results achieved and Aksigorta’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals accepted by the United Nations.

51% of Aksigorta employees are women.


Aksigorta receives an Excellent Customer Experience Award at the A.C.E. Awards

Aksigorta received the Excellent Customer Satisfaction award at the eighth edition of the A.C.E. Awards. The competition was organized by Sikayetvar.com, Türkiye’s first and only platform measuring customer satisfaction.

First Specialized MOD Insurance for electric vehicles

Aksigorta launched e-kasko, the first and most comprehensive MOD insurance policy designed exclusively for electric vehicles. The policy offers numerous special guarantees for electric vehicle owners.

“Keep Living Türkiye” Project

Through its earthquake risk transfer responsibility project, “Hayata Devam Türkiye (Keep Living Türkiye),” Aksigorta not only raises insurance awareness but also explains how we can learn from experts about the risks we face; that the community can be supported in taking precautions against earthquakes; and why potential risks should be transferred to an insurance institution. Aksigorta also established an aid fund for the victims of the February 6 earthquake in cooperation with Needs Map.

Second Sustainability Report Published

Aksigorta’s second Sustainability Report was published. In addition to covering management approaches and goals for social, economic and environmental impacts arising from the Company’s activities between January 1 and December 31, 2022, the Report summarizes Aksigorta’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.

Opening of Aksigorta Memorial Forests in Manisa and İzmit

In May, Aksigorta donated 10,000 saplings to the Aegean Forest Foundation on behalf of each employee to establish the Aksigorta Memorial Forest in the İzmit Taşköprü afforestation area. Most recently, 10,000 saplings were donated to Manisa for the Aksigorta Memorial Forest on Yunt Mountain in Manisa. Aksigorta employees and the İzmir and Manisa agencies attended the opening of Aksigorta’s Memorial Forest in Manisa, as did Burak Yüzgül, Aksigorta’s Assistant General Manager for Human Resources and Sustainability, and Perihan Öztürk, Board Member of the Aegean Forest Foundation.

Achievements Crowned with Awards

Ödül Aksigorta


`Excellent Customer Experience’ Award

Empowered by digital transformation, and offering a customer-centric insurance experience, Aksigorta has been awarded the `Excellent Customer Satisfaction’ award at the 8th A.C.E Awards organized by Türkiye’s first and only customer satisfaction measuring platform, Sikayetvar. com. At the A.C.E Awards, where 113 national and international brands managing customer experience best across 60 different sectors were rewarded, Aksigorta has won the Diamond award in the `Excellent Customer Satisfaction-Elementary Insurance Category A’.

Ödül Aksigorta


Kaan Konak among the `Top 50 Most Influential Technology Leaders’

Aksigorta has continued to add value with agile teams on its digitalization journey also in 2023 Redefining the insurance sector with digitalization, Aksigorta, in collaboration with DataExpert, has been featured in the “Top 50 Most Influential Technology Leaders” research conducted for the first time this year by BMI Business School, with its CIO, Kaan Konak.

Ödül Aksigorta


Award to Aksigorta at IDC Türkiye CIO Summit

Continuing its work with a new generation insurance approach, Aksigorta has been continuously rewarded for its digital initiatives. At the CIO Awards held within the IDC Türkiye CIO Summit, organized under the theme “Empowering Leaders of the Digital Economy,” 323 projects from 86 institutions across 7 categories were evaluated. Awards were presented to institutions and managers who ranked with their projects throughout the year. At the ceremony, Aksigorta’s Deputy General Manager, Kaan Konak, received an award in the `Innovative Leaders’ category.

Ödül Aksigorta


“Sabancı of the New Generation” Award

Aksigorta has been deemed worthy of an award in the “New Generation Sabancı” category at the Sabancı Altınyaka Awards with its agile working world, Agiland, consisting of a combination of agile values, principles, and practices that transform the way of working. This award, given at the 10th Altınyaka Awards, aims to bring to the forefront the best projects, applications, and business models within the Sabancı Community, to serve as examples to each other, and to appreciate and reward them.

Ödül Aksigorta


Tolga Tezbaşaran listed among the 50 Most Effective CMOs

Tolga Tezbaşaran, Retail Product, Technical and Customer Management Assistant General Manager at Aksigorta, was named one of Türkiye’s top 50 CMOs by the Milliyet Executive Advisory Board, formed on the basis that a successful marketing leader can guide brands in making a difference in the eyes of consumers.

Ödül Aksigorta


Numerous awards for Aksigorta’s digital projects

Aksigorta won awards for its digital projects this year as well. At the IDC Future Enterprise Awards, organized as part of the 4th IDC Türkiye DX Summit, the Company’s “Smart Scoring with AI” project won first prize in the “Best in Future of Operations” category. At the Future of Cloud & AI Awards, the IPA (Identical Photo Agent) project was selected as the Project of the Year in the “Artificial Intelligence” category, and the “Smart Scoring with AI” project in the “Data & Advanced Analytics” category.

Ödül Aksigorta


Aksigorta is “Türkiye’s Best Employer” for the fifth time

Aksigorta was selected as “Türkiye’s Best Employer” for the fifth time in a row in the “Kincentric Best Employers” program, which is based on research conducted by Kincentric, one of the world’s leading human resources and management consultancy platforms. Kincentric has been measuring workplace excellence for more than 50 years by conducting surveys with employees. Committed to the principle of continuous improvement in all Human Resources applications, from recruitment to career development, from performance management to training and development opportunities, Aksigorta has a 78% employee loyalty rate and an 87% employee satisfaction rate.

Ödül Aksigorta


Award to Aksigorta from Insider LIFT Awards

Aksigorta received the “Most Effective Customer Experience Usage for WhatsApp Business Notifications” Award at the 11th LIFT Awards organized by Insider. The sector-first project enables customers to instantly learn the status of their files via WhatsApp notifications; Aksigorta customers who file a claim report receive automatic notifications about the ongoing status of their files via Aksigorta’s Official Business WhatsApp account. In this manner, Aksigorta customers can instantly monitor their file status without contacting the call center or inquiring via the website.