Aksigorta Digital Annual Report 2023

Aksigorta Beyond
What can people expect from an insurance company that goes beyond?
In short, can it meet the needs of people with completely different views of insurance?
To see their true needs, to provide a different set of products and services?
In short, can it totally transform people’s perception of insurance?
To look at life from a different perspective, not as an insurer but through their own eyes.
People have a different set of priorities from their insurance, not just on the bad days. But what can you expect if an insurance company is there for the good days too?
There is an insurance company that lives to answer these questions.

Keep Living Türkiye
As a company that prioritizes social good, we recognize the importance of reaching the proper awareness level against earthquakes. We launched our Keep Living Türkiye Project in accordance with this awareness. In addition to raising insurance awareness against disasters in our society, this project also supports learning about potential risks and their measures from the subject matter experts. We also launched a donation campaign for our February 6th disaster victims in cooperation with the Needs Map. Within the scope of the campaign, we transferred the proceeds from Aksigorta’s home insurance sales to the disaster region and created an assistance fund.

Innovative Products,
Innovative Services,
We listen to our customers’ expectations and needs and render the most fitting and highest quality service to them. As Aksigorta, we focused on the electric vehicle category, a brand new and rapidly growing segment in our country, and unveiled an electric vehicle insurance, the Aksigorta e-kasko insurance, for our customers as a first in our industry. This initiative enabled us to stay abreast of the changing customer trends and the technology of the future while solidifying our sustainability steps.
Differentiating Services,
Unique Customer Experience
We stand by our customers not just at the time of a loss occurrence, but also at the precaution stage before an occurrence. We are breaking new ground in the industry in digitalizing the claims processes. We build a customer experience shaped by advanced technological solutions and upgrade this experience to its best version. We work hard to reach our customers as quickly as possible in accordance with their needs.

Sustainability Steps,
Social Good
We see sustainability as a fundamental approach that is part of every aspect of our business. We focus on low-carbon economic growth in our products and services to contribute to the development, prosperity, and higher quality of life of our society. We improve our environmental performance in our operational processes and embrace the Net Zero and Zero Waste goal.