Sustainability Policy
The first step of Aksigorta’s sustainability approach is compliance with the legal obligations to which it is subject.

The purpose of this policy is to define the strategic approach of Aksigorta A.Ş. towards sustainability management, to guide the dimensions of company activities, product and service processes related to these issues, and to inform our relevant stakeholders in this direction. As a well-established company operating in the insurance field, our main task is to create value for our stakeholders with a sustainable business model that respects nature and people. Our sustainability policy sets out the basic principles and principles aimed at minimizing the negative environmental and social impacts and maximizing the positive impacts regarding the business and other activities of our company and our entire value chain, especially our customers.
Authority and Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible for updating and executing the sustainability policy. Policy; It is reviewed at least once a year and updated if necessary.
Authority and Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible for updating and executing the sustainability policy. Policy; It is reviewed at least once a year and updated if necessary.
The first step of Aksigorta’s sustainability approach is compliance with the legal obligations to which it is subject. In cases where the legislation is not regulated, internationally accepted management and professional ethical principles are followed. The company creates management, measurement, evaluation and reporting systems for sustainability studies in accordance with the principles stipulated in international standards.
Aksigorta Sustainability Committee is responsible for the following activities as the main management function on sustainability:
- Determination of priority sustainability issues, business objectives, management and implementation norms,
- Integration into corporate strategic plans,
- Implementation and performance monitoring and reporting to senior management and external stakeholders.
The works are carried out by subjecting internal systems and, where necessary, independent audit processes.
Aksigorta supports national and international initiatives operating in the field of sustainability and sustainable development in general or priority sustainability issues determined by Aksigorta; It follows the latest developments in Türkiye and in the world by communicating with various stakeholders, especially non-governmental organizations, universities and public institutions. We integrate these developments into our work.
Our main task is to create value for our stakeholders with a sustainable business model that respects nature and people.
General Principles
As a well-established company operating in the insurance field, our main task is to create value for our stakeholders with a sustainable business model that respects nature and people and is highly profitable.
The main goal we have adopted in terms of sustainability management is to increase our performance in matters that have the potential to create opportunities by eliminating the sustainability risks that may have a negative impact on the Company’s activities.
In addition, being the main business partner of our customers in managing their sustainability risks with the products and services we have developed is one of the principles for sustainability management.
- The company considers the Sustainable Development Goals accepted by the United Nations as a part of its sustainability management, and includes efforts towards these goals in its activities.
- In order to protect the ecosystem, especially in the fight against the global climate crisis, environmental efficiency activities are focused on, and it is aimed to reduce the carbon footprint by measuring it.
- It is aimed to increase the number of products and services that contribute to sustainability and their share in total revenues.
- Sustainable and green investment instruments are prioritized in investment decisions taken within the scope of fund management activities.
- Taking part in initiatives in the field of sustainability, national and international developments are closely followed.
- Long-term cooperation with our colleagues is aimed within the framework of respect for human and employee rights and by offering equal opportunities.
- In order to support the local and low-carbon economy in purchasing, suppliers with local and environmentally friendly practices are preferred, provided that they comply with our company legislation.
- The works we carry out in this context are managed with a transparent and accountable structure.
Aksigorta aims to make the evaluation of operational processes and social, economic and environmental dimensions of products and services a fundamental part of its business strategy.
Considering sustainability as a basic business philosophy, Aksigorta A.Ş. aims to make the evaluation of operational processes and social, economic and environmental dimensions of products and services a fundamental part of its business strategy. In line with this goal, Aksigorta A.Ş. integrates its sustainability approach into both insurance and investment processes with an environmental and social risk management perspective.
- Having undersigned an important sustainability project in the field of digital security, Aksigorta A.Ş. prepares the society for the risks of the digital world of the future, thanks to its Digital Security Platform. Considering digital data as the most valuable asset of the age, Aksigorta A.Ş. focuses on the development of new generation technologies such as big data, advanced data analytics, cyber security, industrial IoT, robotic workforce, artificial intelligence and blockchain. Aksigorta defines its future with a digital, personalized service-oriented and paperless insurance approach.
- Aksigorta A.Ş. employees take care to protect the privacy and private information of customers, employees and other relevant persons and organizations. Confidential information regarding the activities of Sabancı Group Companies is protected and this information is used only for Sabancı Group’s purposes; this information is shared with the relevant persons only within the determined authorities. In order to ensure trust and stability, increase service quality, prevent unfair competition and transactions and practices that may cause harm in the economy, and increase social benefit, it is included in the Aksigorta A.Ş. Ethical Principles.
- Supporting gender equality, Aksigorta A.Ş. takes measures to increase female employment and support the female workforce to stay in employment. Discrimination within the Company or any behavior that may be perceived as discrimination; no form of verbal, physical, sexual, racial, psychological abuse or harassment will be tolerated.
- Aksigorta does not provide products or services to sectors and activities that have a negative impact on the climate crisis, ecosystem and community welfare and security, and for which these effects cannot be reduced, and does not invest within the scope of fund management activities. Sabancı Group takes the Responsible Investment Policy as a basis when determining this sector and activities and the implementation methods related to them.
- Activities carried out in coordination with business partners such as agencies and suppliers play an important role in ensuring sustainable business success across the value chain of Aksigorta A.Ş. We expect our business partners to adopt a work culture identical to itself, an understanding of business ethics and a service quality that makes a difference. We pay attention to these principles in our business partner preferences.
- Aksigorta A.Ş. organizes many online trainings for its agents from insurance to digital marketing, from sales management to accounting under the umbrella of “Beyond Insurance Academy.”
In this context, Aksigorta A.Ş. aims to raise awareness among the society on insurance products and services and their benefits by using traditional and internet-based communication channels or through social responsibility activities.
* Economic, environmental, social and governance performances for the period January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023 will be published in the Sustainability Report 2024.
Sustainability Performance
The activities involved in Aksigorta’s operations that require direct and indirect energy consumption are monitored, and amounts of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated.

Aksigorta bolsters its sustainability performance every year and especially strives to minimize the environmental impact of its activities.
Sustainability performance will be detailed in our “Sustainability Report.”
The activities involved in Aksigorta’s operations that require direct and indirect energy consumption are monitored, calculating and recording amounts of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Aksigorta’s Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are calculated using the greenhouse gas emission factors published by EIE and IPCC, and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard methodology. In line with its net zero emission target, Aksigorta develops plans and carries out projects aimed at reducing the energy intensity of its activities. Aksigorta also wants to expand the content of emission calculations as part of the same target.
Sustainable Products and Services*
e-kasko enables electric vehicles to travel safely with numerous guarantees.

Specialized MOD Insurance for Electric Vehicles
Aksigorta broke new ground in Türkiye and developed a new product exclusively for electric vehicle customers. This new product, called e-kasko, enables electric vehicles to travel safely with numerous guarantees ranging from recharging to theft of charging equipment, from battery guarantee to on-site charging service and 10% discount advantage in e-charging service.
Çevreye Duyarlı Citroen AmiEco-Friendly Citroen Ami
By developing a new MOD insurance product for the electric vehicle Citroen Ami, a Third Party Financial Liability guarantee is being offered in addition to the product-specific coverage.
Keep Living Türkiye
With the Keep Living Türkiye project, an aid fund is being created in the earthquake region for each new home product purchased. The aid fund, which was launched with 20 Container Houses with the support of Needs Map, will continue to provide regular aid to earthquake victims with a contribution of TL 80 from each new home policy. As part of this campaign, donations were collected from 37,895 Aksigorta customers for earthquake victims.
Renewable Energy Package
Aksigorta launched the M90 “Renewable Energy Package” product for Electric Vehicle Charging stations, which are being more and more widespread, to cover the installation, fire, and theft risks of companies that install charging stations.
Aksigorta Supplementary Health Insurance (SIH) Gift
Aksigorta offers a discount gift of up to TL 1,500 in Aksigorta SIH for all customers aged 18-30 who become Akbank customers for the first time via Akbank Mobile, where they can be examined in SSI-contracted private hospitals without paying any difference fee.
BYD MOD Insurance
As Auto Insurances, BYD MOD, the first and only electric car insurance product specific to BYD automobiles, was launched.
Social Impact
Aksigorta prepared an Anti-Discrimination Glossary to contribute to creating a fair, egalitarian, and inclusive world for all.
On October 4, World Animal Day, Aksigorta supported the dog habitat in Çatalca with 1 ton of dog food through the Happy Paws Association.
Sustainability Trainings
Relevant units were included in the Nature Positive Masterclass Certificate Program through the training organized by the Sustainable Development Association.
As part of sustainability trainings, Aksigorta organized Awareness Training for Sustainability, Sustainable Living Model Webinar, Corporate Sustainability Webinar, Sustainable Products and Services Workshop, Sustainable Finance Workshop, Environment and Climate Change Workshop, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Workshop, Strong Women Leaders Panels, “Soruları Tersinden Sormak / Asking Questions in Reverse” Gender Equality Awareness Webinar with Elif Doğan, Breast Cancer Awareness Month Webinar, Healthy Living with Conscious Awareness, Climate Change and Its Impact on Our Business, and Offering Sustainable Solutions to Our Customers events. Relevant units were included in the Nature Positive Masterclass Certificate Program through the ESG Risk Management and Oversight Training organized by the Sustainable Development Association.
Environmental Sustainability
Aksigorta is contributing to nature and sustainability with memorial forests.
In May, contributing to nature and sustainability, Aksigorta donated 10 thousand saplings to the Aegean Forest Foundation on behalf of each of its employees to create the Aksigorta Memorial Forest in İzmit Taşköprü afforestation area. In November, the Company donated 10 thousand saplings to create the Aksigorta Memorial Forest in Manisa Yunt Mountain for each agency.
To contribute to environmental cleanup and waste recycling, 504 kg of garbage from Sarıyer Kısırkaya Beach and 2.5 bags of garbage and 1.5 bags of waste from Büyükada were collected.
Corporate Governance
Aksigorta continues to develop sustainable products and services linked to sustainable development.
In 2023, Aksigorta restructured its Corporate Governance activities to be composed of Executive Board members. Four working groups were established under the Sustainability Committee: Environment and Climate Change; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; Sustainable Products and Services; and Sustainable Finance.
The Executive Board discusses sustainability issues at least four times a year. Sustainability studies are presented to the Executive Board by the sustainability unit and sustainability working group leaders under the leadership of the Assistant General Manager for Human Resources and Sustainability.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee
In 2023, Aksigorta restructured its Corporate Governance activities to be composed of Executive Board members.
In line with the sustainability efforts and goals of the shareholders Sabancı Holding and Ageas, in 2023:
Compliance with the Future of the Work
Aksigorta aims for continuous development in a wide range of areas from recruitment to career development, performance management to training and development opportunities.
Constantly innovating to protect the value with next-generation solutions for a sustainable life, Aksigorta sees its employees as its most valuable asset.
Forming agile, self-managing teams in order to become a connected and result-producing organization, Aksigorta strives to become a most preferred employer in the market. Aksigorta also develops and retains the best talent while providing its employees with the competencies required by the future of work.
Adopting the principle of continuous development in its Human Resources practices, Aksigorta aims for continuous development in a wide range of areas from recruitment to career development, performance management to training and development opportunities.
Aksigorta aims to create a working environment where employees feel more flexible and free and where they can create value in line with common goals.
Number of EmployeesAksigorta received the “Kincentric Best Employer” award for the fifth year in a row.
Aksigorta received the “Kincentric Best Employer” award for the fifth year in a row in a survey conducted by Kincentric, one of the world’s leading human resources and management consultancy platforms. This award recognizes the Company’s efforts to value its employees, promote workplace excellence, and improve work culture.
Aksigorta employees:
Talent Management
With 63 years of experience, Aksigorta adopts an approach that focuses on attracting and developing talents. Aksigorta operates in line with the goal of providing young talents with the best employee experience starting from the recruitment process and offering development opportunities that will lead them to their best.
Aksigorta collaborates with universities and organizes internship programs that focus on professional development. The company also designs and implements long-term, modular special talent programs, as well as periodic young talent programs such as IT Talent Camp, UW School specific to technical fields.
Aksigorta adopts an approach that focuses on attracting and developing talents.
Using technology, Aksigorta focuses on attracting and recruiting talent who are most suited to the future of work, the Company’s corporate culture and the requirements of the new Agile world. The right candidates are assigned to the right positions through structured, competency- based interviews (either online or face-to-face), personality inventories, aptitude tests and development center practices.
Aksigorta’s onboarding process, which is powered by digital tools, supports new employees to quickly comply with and adapt to the corporate culture. One-on-one meetings organized as part of the business partnership structure focus on employee development by addressing career planning and performance issues. In addition to this, meetings with the management team are planned.
It is ensured that the relevant manager produces appropriate solutions by focusing on the career and performance planning of his/her team. The “I Recommend a Candidate” project launched following the merger of Aksigorta and Agesa Human Resources teams as part of synergy work is implemented in both companies. This project aims to increase talent acquisition for growth targets and reach potential candidates more effectively. Employees taking part in the project not only receive support in candidate guidance but also have the opportunity to receive rewards.
Learning Development
Aksigorta offers various programs through its Learning & Development team to respond to the development needs of next-generation talents and leaders. Aksigorta designs development programs in which employees are able to access all resources in the fastest way possible, give and receive feedback, and learn from each other. Aksigorta promotes continuous learning with the support of technology and supports its employees to reach their best.
Learning solutions include live training sessions, e-learning, online virtual classrooms, online learning journeys, seminars, and experience sharing meetings from subject matter experts.
Aksigorta offers its employees the Future Self program for professional and competency development, which includes more than 20 courses that they can choose and participate in the areas they want to improve themselves. Each year, Aksigorta announces that year’s programs and provides all employees with an area to choose from.
Within Aksigorta’s new Talent Management approach launched in 2023, a talent club called Future Club was established. The development programs “Power Up+” for Future Club members in managerial functions and “Rise Up” for FC members who do not have team management responsibilities aim to improve self- awareness, increase internal motivation, and improve their ability to manage their work/team for talents working in both Headquarters and field teams.
These programs are designed for the organization’s talent club members and aim to prepare them for their future careers.
Drawing on the synergy of its two strong partners, Aksigorta helps its employees to optimally plan their future and move forward on a career path that also encompasses Sabancı Holding and Ageas. Featuring the motto “Your Career, Your Aksigorta,” a transparent career path map that supports rotation and talent development for all employees is offered to staff members at the Company.
LETS, a new leadership development program for Aksigorta and Agesa mid- level managers, which is prepared within the framework of Sabancı Holding leadership capabilities and aims to increase synergy and information sharing between the two companies, targets to provide its participants with next- generation leadership skills by offering next-generation learning methods and personalized learning experience. In the program, which was carried out between February-October 2023, participants attended 4 modules in total and took part in the program with a hybrid learning setup where they could follow the program through the online learning platform as well as in-class sessions.
Along with its Belgian stakeholder Ageas, Aksigorta prepares short and long-term career experience opportunities. Aksigorta provides career opportunities to its employees in conjunction with succession plans prepared across a wide area that covers Sabancı Group companies.
Nabız (Pulse): 360-Degree Feedback Culture
At Aksigorta, which embraces an approach in which employees are able to take initiative to achieve clear targets and make choices on solutions, take decisions with a result-oriented perspective, and undertake the responsibility of the value they produce, a 360-degree feedback culture independent of title was created with the Pulse mobile application introduced in 2019 The Pulse app offers employees the opportunity to provide and receive feedback whenever and wherever they want.
Social Clubs
Aksigorta organizes various events and activities to bring employees together and strengthen their social bonds. Aksigorta employees, who share common hobbies through social clubs for different interests, are supported to participate in arts and sports organizations inside and outside the Company.
At Aksigorta, social clubs are organized under the umbrella of B-Happy. Employees socialize together and have a different experience with B-Happy’s many activities in different areas. Within this scope, tasting events, trips, hobby and kitchen workshops are organized with Social B-Happy; concerts, theaters, and museums are visited with Art-lover B-Happy. In addition, Sportive B-Happy, which is aimed to bring movement to life, organizes activities in many areas ranging from hiking to skiing, football to tennis, and provides tournament participation.
Aksigorta employees, who share common hobbies through social clubs for different interests, are supported to participate in arts and sports organizations inside and outside the Company.
Holistic Health Activities
While B-Happy activities continue, Aksigorta planned many physical and online activities throughout the year as part of wellbeing activities, supporting the holistic wellbeing of its employees both physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Aksigorta also attaches importance to volunteering. Employees are encouraged to participate in various projects carried out by Group companies under the roof of Sabancı Republic Mobilization. As part of the Sabancı Republic Mobilization, volunteers went to Hatay once a week since September to participate in workshops with children at the psychosocial support center.
Aiming to improve the physical and mental health of its employees, AVİTA Psychological Support Line provides 24/7 support for their business and private lives. A newborn support program for women only was also implemented as part of the program.
Compensation and Benefits
Aksigorta adopts a competitive and fair compensation policy in the insurance industry for its employees. This compensation policy addresses employees’ social security and health service needs with appropriate compensation packages.
The Company follows a fair compensation policy and offers various fringe benefits to its employees. These benefits include advantages such as private pension with corporate contribution and life/personal accident insurance.
Aksigorta employees, whose social security and health transactions are guaranteed by AK Sandık, which offers a social security package that is much more comprehensive than a private health insurance, always feel the support and contribution of its wide contracted corporate network and employee-oriented service approach. AK Sandık mobile application provides easy use of services.
Aksigorta employees, who share common hobbies through social clubs for different interests, are supported to participate in arts and sports organizations inside and outside the Company.
Performance Management
Aksigorta adopts a business culture that enables employees to take initiative and generate solutions to achieve clear goals. Employees are empowered to make their own choices, make decisions with a result-oriented perspective, and undertake the responsibility of the outputs they produce. The Company believes in the developmental power of feedback and emphasizes the importance of continuous feedback for the development of employees. The “Pulse” mobile app supports the 360-degree feedback culture and gives employees the opportunity to give and receive feedback whenever and wherever they want.
Perfx is a system that adapts to Aksigorta’s changing working models and manages performance evaluations. Based on the objective key results (OKR) management approach, Perfx is a transparent, flexible, and feedback-oriented performance management system. Employees can set, update and change their targets by using the performance forms open in the system throughout the year.
Aksigorta Games is a performance and career management system designed for sales teams. Based on a club structure, the program aims to announce the success of the sales teams, support their skills, and give an opportunity to manage their own careers. The enrollment conditions and benefits of the four different clubs in the Aksigorta Games vary.
Based on their performance, sales teams are admitted to related clubs and receive a variety of benefits.
You Are Beyond Awards
It stands out as an extensive recognition-appreciation and instant rewarding program where rewarding activities are gathered under a single roof. Under the scope of this program, rewards such as Classics, Success Stories and Surprises that serve different purposes are made. With You are Beyond Awards, recognition- appreciation activities are extensively and successfully performed with remote working.
Aksigorta adopts a business culture that enables employees to take initiative and generate solutions to achieve clear goals.
Sustainable Business Model
Supporting social responsibility projects with sensitivity to the society and environment in which it operates, Aksigorta offers an equal and fair working environment for its employees with the awareness of gender equality, supporting women’s participation in business life. Aksigorta signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles developed by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the United Nations Global Compact.
Smart@Work - Aksigorta’s unique way of working
Smart@Work represents an approach that is compatible with the next- generation and digital working models that developed after the pandemic in the business world. This model changes the old working order that requires physical coexistence and focuses on space- independent working. Smart@Work aims to develop solutions suitable for new world needs by focusing on flexibility, freedom, and producing results.
This new working model includes a physical working environment and tools that are adapted to the future of work. Smart@Work offers employees the opportunity to create value for a sustainable future by maximizing the ability to adapt quickly to change and development. This model, along with many innovations in business manners, makes business processes more efficient, flexible, and mobile.
With Smart@Work, Aksigorta employees:
The Agile methodology is rolled out throughout the Company, including in HR processes, contributing to Aksigorta’s sustainable performance.
A Sustainable Future
Setting out its sustainability priorities for a better world and a sustainable future in its corporate strategies, Aksigorta supports the society and its employees with projects aimed at raising risk awareness in particular. Aksigorta strives to match its operations and policies with the principles of sustainability to achieve alignment with its all stakeholders in its sustainability efforts. The company aims to create stakeholder value through an environmentally friendly and sustainable business model. Aksigorta’s sustainability policy includes the fundamental principles and procedures designed to minimize the negative environmental and social impact of both its operations and its customers’ activities. At the same time, Aksigorta aims to maximize the benefits of such operations and activities in a sustainable way.
Agiland - The Agile World of Aksigorta
The agile transformation process at Aksigorta started in 2017 with cross- work teams (Platform, CFTs) and IT- based agile project teams. This process has enabled Aksigorta to take steps towards the adoption of agile working methodology across the Company, especially with the participation of business units in addition to IT development studies. Independent evaluations in 2021 found that Aksigorta was ready for an agile transformation throughout its organization. Accordingly, an agile transformation plan covering the entire organization was rolled out and Aksigorta’s agile world was named Agiland.
Agiland represents a new working order consisting of a set of agile values, principles, and practices. In order to facilitate this transformation, the cross-working team Lodestar was established. The Agile methodology is rolled out throughout the Company, including in HR processes, contributing to Aksigorta’s sustainable performance.
Agiland represents a new working order consisting of a set of agile values, principles, and practices. In order to facilitate this transformation, the cross-working team Lodestar was established. The Agile methodology is rolled out throughout the Company, including in HR processes, contributing to Aksigorta’s sustainable performance.
The newly established Corporate Tribe is also intended to improve the processes of existing teams and to create continuous value with cross- functional teams through an agile approach.
In the new structure, QBR events, synchronization initiatives and many other tribe rituals will be carried out with the OKR approach.