Corporate Identity and Management

Trade Registry Information

Trade Registry Information

  • TitleAksigorta Anonim Şirketi (Aksigorta Inc.)
  • Trade Registry No80731
  • Mersis No0035-0003-0220-0016
  • Date of Registiration11.12.1961
  • Company AddressPoligon Avenue Buyaka 2 Site No:8 Tower:1 Flat:0-6 Ümraniye İstanbul
  • Businesses Conducted by the CompanyBusiness mentioned in the company’s articles of incorporation
  • Type of EnterpriesJoint-Stock Company
  • Representatives of the CompanyHaluk Dinçer, Mustafa Fırat Kuruca, Ben Karel E. Coumans, Hüseyin Gürer, Fatma Dilek Yardım, Karolien Gielen, Emmanuel Gerard C. Van Grimbergen, Hatice Burcu Civelek Yüce, Sitare Sezgin, Uğur Gülen
  • Issuance Date of Certification15.12.2014

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