Paw Insurance

Your best friend's health is secure with Paw Insurance - now with 9 instalments!

What is Secured, What is Covered?

It's time for happy pets to enjoy life, thanks to coverage and securities prepared for cats and dogs of all breeds*, genders, and between 6 months and 10 years of age, with completed vaccinations.






Emergency Cover

In cases such as traffic accidents, falling from high floors, fractures and/or injuries resulting from a fight with another cat or dog, eye problems due to accident or infection, burns, electric shock, ingestion of a foreign substance or choking, insect bite, heatstroke or drowning, the necessary emergency treatment costs are insured up to TL 5,000.

Third-Party Pecuniary Liability

If your pet harms someone or causes damage to someone's belongings, such damages are covered up to TL 3,000.

Lost Ad and Award Indemnity

If your pet is lost, the insurance covers up to TL 250 for expenses incurred by ads and awards for finding your pet.

Emergency Cover

In cases such as traffic accidents, falling from high floors, fractures and/or injuries resulting from a fight with another cat or dog, eye problems due to accident or infection, burns, electric shock, ingestion of a foreign substance or choking, insect bite, heatstroke or drowning, the necessary emergency treatment costs are insured up to TL 5,000.

Third-Party Pecuniary Liability

If your pet harms someone or causes damage to someone's belongings, such damages are covered up to TL 3,000.

Lost Ad and Award Indemnity

If your pet is lost, the insurance covers up to TL 250 for expenses incurred by ads and awards for finding your pet.

Free Services and Benefits

To benefit from free services within the Pet Saving Plan, contact Aksigorta Service Centre number 444 27 27 for detailed information.

Free Examination Advantage

An examination, nail trimming and eye-and-ear cleaning is free once a year at contracted veterinary clinics!

Free Microchip

To administer microchips and activate your insurance, you can contact the contracted veterinary clinics of Aksigorta.