Credit Card Payments
Do not be afraid of credit card statements! Your credit card debt up to TL 10,000* is under assurance with Credit Card Unemployment Insurance in the case of unemployment or incapacity caused by illness.
Payments are guaranteed if you become unemployed!
Your credit card debt is within the scope of this insurance policy for events such as unemployment, illness or temporary incapacity with Credit Card Unemployment Insurance.
Do not be afraid of credit card statements! Your credit card debt up to TL 10,000* is under assurance with Credit Card Unemployment Insurance in the case of unemployment or incapacity caused by illness.
The opportunity of free dental care at contracted institutions is waiting for you within the scope of Credit Card Unemployment Insurance. This insurance looks after your health as well as your budget.
Credit Card Unemployment Insurance makes you feel safe, with support up to TL 10,000 so that you can pay your credit card bills even if you are unemployed or incapacitated due to illness/accident.
Credit Card Unemployment Insurance is even stronger with free services and advantages. You can reach the Aksigorta Service Centre number, 444 27 27, to find out more about free services.
Payments are guaranteed if you become unemployed!